Wednesday, September 24, 2014

3-D Printer Cookie Cutters Simplified

Now that I've created several cutters with the 3-D Printer at our local library, I feel like I can make any shape cutter that I want.  This post is my attempt to show the process in a way that is easy to follow and uses minimal software.  Basic computer skills will be needed.  A browser, CookieCaster and Tinkercad are the only software needed, and they are free.  If you have Photoshop or Gimp it can be helpful but is certainly not required.

1) First, do a google image search ( that includes the shape you want and the word Silhouette.  When you find the image you like, click on it and you will see this next to the image.  Click on View Image.

2) You will then see the image by itself in the browser.  Right click on the image and select Save Image As to save it on your computer.  I recommend creating a folder specifically for this cutter as you will have several files related to it.

3) If you have Photoshop skills, you may want to open the file in Photoshop and make some modifications.  I removed the eye lashes on this girl because they are too small.  If I got the dough to come out of the cutter, it would burn in the oven.  When you are done, save your file.

4) Next go to CookieCaster ( and upload the image you either saved from the web or edited in Photoshop.  To do this, click on Trace, Upload an Image.  

5)  With your image loaded, click on the Magic Trace tool.  It will turn blue like in the screenshot below when it is selected.  Now click in the middle of your shape.

6)  The Magic Trace tool puts an outline around your shape.  If it doesn't, open a new browser tab and try again.

7) Set the download options as shown below and click on Download 3D File to save the .stl to your computer.

8)  Next we will bring the file into Tinkercad (  If you have not created an account, do so now.  It is free.  Click on Create New Design.

9)  On the right side, you will find the way to import your file.  Leave it in millimeters and bring it in at 120%.  Remember that the cutter has a very narrow cutting edge (.5 mm) from the CookieCaster export.  If we bring it in at 120% it will be a little thicker and stronger, but not too thick.  It is somewhere between .5 mm and 1 mm.  Click on Import. 

10)  Below Import you will find Helpers.  Drag the ruler tool onto your work surface so that you will be able to see how big your cutter really is.

11)  The height and width of your cutter will be shown as in the image below.  101mm equals 4 inches, which is the cutter size that I prefer.  This one was a little bigger.  You can convert from millimeters to inches in google by typing something like "4 inches in mm."  If your cutter is in the wrong size, you may want to go back to CookieCaster and export that file again with a different value for Max Size.  Or you select the shape and hit the delete key on your keyboard and import it at a different percentage.

12)  To export your file from Tinkercad, click on Design, then Download for 3D Printing.  

13)  You will see this dialog box.  Click on .STL.  Save it to your computer, then copy it to a jump drive.

14)  When you get to the library, ask them to print it with a Raft at 15% Infill.  You can break off the raft after they print it as it is only for support.  Infill is the honeycomb structure is created in what would be hollow areas.  Normal infill is 10% but I have had problems with it at that level so I prefer 15%.  

15)  With a little luck you will get something like this in a few days.  Mine cost about $1.50.

16)  My favorite sugar cookie recipe can be found here.  Notice the space between the back of her head and her pony tail before they are baked.

17)  Now notice the same space after it is baked.

18)  Make some Royal Icing and find some decorations if you have them.

19)  These were some of the results.  I brought them to work and they went like hotcakes.

20)  Kelley, she looks just like you!

1 comment:

  1. Things4Thinkers
    Things4Thinkers makes custom cookie cutters for any occasion. We can do cookie cutters, fondant molds, cake toppers, and a lot more. Birthday packages available.
