Friday, October 17, 2014

"Like A Boss"

I keep hearing my son and his friends use this phras "like a boss" so I thought it would be fun to use that phrase on Boss's Day cookies.  I made a custom cookie cutter using the techniques I've covered in previous posts.  Then I used Royal Icing Transfers for the letters.

1) I found this image online using the search "Facebook Like Button."

2) Next I imported it into CookieCaster.  I learned something new about CookieCaster this time.  When using the Magic Trace tool, I first clicked in the middle of the hand.  It found the edges of the hand, but I wanted the cuff included too.  So then I clicked on the cuff and it added the cuff to the shape I had already selected!  I didn't know it could do that.  I exported it with a size of 4", but had to come back and export it as 3.5 inches because that size worked best for the import into TinkerCad. (TinkerCad needs to import at 120% in order for the cutting edge to be the right thickness.) 

3) Then I imported it into TinkerCad at 120%.  That is the percent that works best for taking the .5mm cutting edge from the CookieCaster export and making it just a little bit thicker.  Be sure to check the size of your cutter in TinkerCad using the measuring device under Helpers.  Measurements are much more precise in TinkerCad than CookieCaster.

4) Take your file to the library and in a few days... voila!

5) Next make a ton of sugar cookies using my Favorite Sugar Cookies recipe.

6) Before decorating, make the letters.  These are called Royal Icing Transfers.  I made a Word document with letters the size that I needed.  I printed it out and taped it to the kitchen counter.  Then I covered it with wax paper and taped that down too.  Then I traced them with royal icing.  I let the letters dry over night and carefully removed them the next day.

7)  I made lots of extra letters to account for breakage.  I found this really great tutorial on removing them from the wax paper.  I wish I had found it before I made them.  

8) When decorating the cuff, I added a little sugar pearl from Wilton for the cuff link.  Just drop it in while the icing is still wet.

9) Then I decorated the hand in white and carefully placed the letters where I wanted them while the icing was still wet.

10) The next morning I added the dark blue border.  (Hmm... I could use this cutter upside-down too!)

11) Ta da!  Boss, with cookies, on Boss's Day!  

Note to self: When using humor in baking, make sure the recipient gets the joke.  Several people at work, including my boss, thought it meant "Thumbs Up A Boss."  I'm glad we got that straightened out!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Blueberry Supreme

Blueberry Supreme is a long time family favorite.  It was often requested instead of birthday cake by my brother Garr.  This time I made it to welcome back Apnesh, a former employee, at the company where I work.

8 oz 'Nilla Wafers crushed and divided into 2/3 and 1/3
1 1/4 cup sifted powdered sugar divided into 1 cup and 1/4 cup
1 stick room temperature butter
2 eggs
1 can blueberry pie filling
1-1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream
1/2 cup shaved pecans or walnuts

7" x 11" pan (or something equivelent)
Offset Spatula
Large Ziplock bag
Large drinking glass

 1) Put 2/3 of the 'Nilla Wafers in a large plastic bag and using a glass crush them.  Spread evenly in a 7" x 11" pan.

 2) In a stand mixer with a paddle attachment, cream together the butter and 1 cup of the powdered sugar.  Add the eggs one at a time.  It will be the consistency of a creamy soup.  Spoon it gently over the 'Nilla Wafers and spread with an offset spatula.

 3) Gently spoon in the blueberry pie filling and spread it out the best you can.

4) In a stand mixer with the whip attachment, whip the heavy whipping cream.  Slowly add the 1/4 cup powdered sugar to taste.  Spread on top of the blueberry pie filling.

5) Sprinkle with nuts and 1/3 of the 'Nilla Wafers.

 6) Cover and chill at least 24 hours.